as you can see on the images, Christmas is coming closer for us. It feels so strange not to travel to China, RTP or Miami jus before Christmas. I remember last year I had a crazy time flying first to Beijing and than to RTP and Miami just before Christmas, when I finally got home then it was... mmm is it Christmas now, are you really sure ...
today it was Christmas shopping in town, and we just relaxed out time away, looking outside the window and reading some comic strips (our new favorite hobby) ... Only thing i did not count on is the fact my car is being thowed away for the second time. The picture says you are not allowed to park here between 7 and 18 on workdays.... so i went to the police station for a nice and lengthy discussion. Result: a typical belgian situation: saturday are workdays .... no kidding
My god will I be happy when my week of holiday is there, I feel really exhausted. Changing job is not something you have to do to have a relaxing time, on the contrary ... it will be still very busy days and months since the new business is mainly active in January, February, march and April, after which it starts to slow down to practically nothing in December. As said: a new world with a whole new set of rules ... I'm very much amazed how much time it really takes to find your way around a new place, every company's culture is so different and you really need time as an advisor on how to play the cards. But as you all know me: i have a difficult time being patient, but this time i will try to take that time ...
I see the awards for our digital work streaming in: Dare Digital agency of the year with a lot of mentioning of the Sony Ericsson work, K750 getting honors, W800 still in the press ... I must admit: I secretly still feel a part of it , but way to go ... It's so nice to have Gavin and Martin keeping me informed.
Going tomorrow to London, but this time by train. On my way i will try to meet up with some colleagues, but we'll see if the schedule allows it ... i hope it does, because it is during this time of year you look back to what has happened the last 12 months .....
I wish you all love peace and understanding ...