although I could not really enjoy it anymore in real hard cash I was really thrilled to hear from the ex-colleagues that we managed to hit the targets ... as a little reward I bought myself two new pair of glasses as you can see in the pictures . A nice treat is always welcome, one should it do more often ....
ok also on the house warming party: the date is set: Friday 24th of March. Everybody who wants is more than welcome, just drop me a note one week in advance that I know how many people will be coming ... There will be some very nice whiskey, nice Belgian beer and of course a lot of music .....
for the rest things are going their flow ... I have a new thing to look forward to: I'm being fascinated by a new bike: the new BMW R1200GS .. I see myself as some sort of modern Laurence of Arabia going on an adventure from Morocco to Egypt ... I'm still doubting to buy it and bugging everybody close to me with the idea ... i promise to upload all pictures on the blog .. if ever it happens :-) ...

a friend of mine said that planning, dreaming, hoping is the most important .. not the actual living it ... I got a book as a gift from my girlfriend some time ago: The art of Travel by Alain de Botton .... it has been one of the few books I have been reading in such a short time span .. why : because it was so true to my personal view on traveling: it is all about anticipation of what you think you will find in that distant place ..... people have described it to you in all colors and flavors ... when i'm now thinking about the dust I will taste in my mouth when I cruise through the Moroccan Atlas mountains and the welcome of the Berbers in the mountains offering me sweetened goat milk .....maybe the anticipation of my dream is enough not to spoil it with a reality that might be different ....
but you never know: sometimes reality surpasses without any problem all the pictures you saw, the stories you heard : that is why I will always go after that dream without forgetting to enjoy the anticipation as much as I enjoy the adventure itself ...
well it was a pleasure again to have written something on my blog and hope to hear from all of you soon ... back to our daily jungle :-)