saturday was also good and coloured ... for the opening of the cultural year in Mechelen people were invited to a long table sreving spaghetti . your entry ticket: come as a group of 4 and bring a pot of sauce ... how beautiful it was just to sit there with friends and strangers .... i hate to use the words but: we should do this more often ....
the party afterwards was intense, never moved that much as that evening. so i decided no more gym for , i get my physical work out at the parties. i guess a rythm of 2 work outs a week is ok to start with :-)
on the home front Lauran is finally released of her cask .. my god almost 10 weeks of plaster is not a joke of a 12 year old. but now everything seems to working properly again ... both of them started music school so in a couple of years you will see an invite for a concert of RandeL .. just made up the name of their band (Riens and Lauran) .. Riens on drums and Lauran on Sax ....
Agnes and i decided to take a short break and go with the bike to Tuscany. We are waiting till all tourist left Sienna and will be going there the week of October 15th. We are putting the motorbike on the nighttrain from Dusseldorf to Verona and we have already mapped out a nice tour .... Verona to La Speinza / La Speinza - San Gimigiano / San G - Montalcino / Montalcino - Firenze / a day in Firenze / Firenze - Verona ..... the diet start onces we're back ... i can already taste the fresh pasta and the wonderful wines ... the strong coffee .. the scenery ... will keep you posted on the trip ...
by the way ... just thought of it . I've started dreaming about the next big big big trip .. i called it the tripple b trip ... from brussels to being to bangkok .... what do you reckon ... worth a try. it would be something to do usch a thing, i have set the timeframe of within this and 5 years , but only the planning is already making me very very happy ... Agnes thinks i'm crazy but i told her she needs to get her license so she can join ....
in light of that i must say that i was on one of my flights browsing through some articles i downloaded and i re-read. You can find it on : ... i guess i will always stay foolish and hungry for the next big thing ... along the same lines i find it very refreshing to listen and watch to the video's on, a tip i gto from Agnes .... if you would ever doubt something or want to get inspired by something , browse around and take your pick.
well time to close and to wish you all happy travels .. oh by the way for the ones who know ben from Mediacatalyst .. check out his travels on .. they are living the dream ...