Well there is no reall change to the immobility factor in my life apart from the fact i so much enjoy the spring in Mechelen and the feeling of doing fun stuff with the kids and friends, seated in a wheel chair ...
in light of my immobility i decided that instead of always writing e-mails or planning presentations it was about time to start reading again. Helpend and in a way pushed by my old neighboors i started reading the novel based on the life of Oswaldo Barreto Miliani.
i was so completely abosorbed by it that i forgot all notion of time and started reading friday night and finished the 476 pages long novel just now.
one always says the book picks the reader, and although that this book came to me recommended; my god did it pick the right reader.
Half a life story and half history lesson of the radical left-wing movements of the second half of the 20th century. From Ben Bella to Fidel Castro, from Che Guevara to Salvador Allende, many of the leading revolutionaries of our time put in an appearance.
The book is all about the search for belief in a cause, the recognition of the efforts done to put them in reality and desire to find a love to share it with. This put against the struggle to achieve the goals since one changes as a person and the wrong doings one causes by letting his ideals and ideas take a too signigicant place in ones life ...
some quotes that maybe can also make you wanne read the book:
"What I cannot tell, is whether the people I left behind, the women I left, the love I spoiled and the pain I caused them was justified. More and more, I fear it was not."
"I didn't achieve much good -- I spent a long time getting nowhere."
For now: Happy Travels