Tuesday, October 04, 2005

How to manage a Belgian blue...

I have to admit, I've been caught squatting outdoors
It was in a garden indeed, however it was not in yours

Where did he come from, this roaring Belgian blue?
And what had I done, I did not have a clue

Toon a man so frustrated, yet seemingly sweet
I could not turn away, ignore or misstreat

Instead I decided, I need to be smart
And play a little game, with the bully tart

An invitation he got, too good to refuse
Spiced up with a twist, just to confuse

A bottle of Bowmore, was all it took
then he swallowed nicely, the bait on my hook

There we were, with nothing else to do
But to straighten out, what was false and what was true

For although a Belgian blue is rarely seen in a pool
A good swim, will make him cool


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