well well ... it's a world of travel ... the more i think about it the more i'm happy with my tagline i use very often in my blog : Happy travels ... It my sound mellow but we are on a constant journey.
To everybody you talk you hear that they are going places or planning some sort of a trip. Brenda said goodbye to Amsterdam in style last Thrusday, unfortunately i could not be there since it was a kids week-end, but i partied with her in my mind ... happy travels to her ..

from my side.. well the professional journey is coming to an end at Dunlop, feel like taking a plane to the next job, but before doing so the real work i awaiting me: Morocco .. I feel very nerveous about it , my maiden adventure makes me feel very unusual .. I'm going to a place i have never been before and going off-road for the first time in a complete unknown area .... what has gone into my head to plan for this ....
i still have so much to do to get all the things in order: a new pasport because mine is only valid till beginning of March, so i do not want to run a risk... for the rest i still need to decide what to bring ... one tells me to leave home my sidebags, others say no problem .. one says to take tyres others say to leave home all technical equipement ... my god they confuse me all ....
i took it out on the people closest to me this week-end .. my god they suffer with me when i'm in a situation that i do not have fully under control .... but i feel the structure and methodical approach coming back in my brain .... First working on a couple of pure pratical issues and i'll be fine ....
the counter is at 2663 km on my planned routes for the moment with a total of 13 motorcycle travel days in Morocco (Agnes and the kids are coming down for one week to Marrakech and there we will travel by 4x4 and camels), but now i see the number i will re-adjust to make this 12 days or 14 days .... don't want to have a bad omen hanging above the trip ....
anyhow i keep you informed but for now ... happy travels