it feels so strange , we invited some of our friends on saturday and the family on sunday to wave goodbye for my trip to Morocco. On Saturday the boss of my favorit pub did me a huge favour by making Couscous as some sort of an introduction dinner for my friends and us. (that's him on the picture: Alain). I wish one day he could join me for a trip to some adventerous place, i bet he would just love it and we would make an nice duo on the bikes ...

The dinner was very nice since Geert en Hendrik already went to Morocco before me (Marc the third hombres was not there for the dinner) .. i feel like i'm going to pick up memories there they left behind and plant already the seeds for a trip next year. Memories left behind by the three guys, but also by Bart and Nathalie in Marrakech, they had some found ones from their honeymoon in Marrakech. The seeds are for Michael and Kristin since we are already planning a trip with two motorcycles February 2008.
Today sunday it was the family coming over for some afternoon tea and cakes. Although it happens more often that they do not see me in one month, but this time it felt so much stranger since i know i will not be in the possibility to drop by or if something happens just be there in a splash ..... My sister and my mum are rather worried of what might happen in such a far away country. when saying goodbye my mum handed me a cross. Although i'm totally not relegious i promised here to wear it around my neck whilst riding the mountains and the trails , just to make sure my whole family is with me the entire time.

My brother, dad, stephmom and younger sister are a bit more sober about it, they are just waiting to see me back with loads of pictures and stories to tell.
now the last days at Dunlop, making sure that all is well left behind without too many open items. Most difficult will be of course thursday evenign saying good bye to the kids .. but they will come togehter with Agnes to visit me on February 17th :-) ...
for now: happy travels
have a wonderful trip toon - enjoy the 'recapturing your youth' moments, as well as those you can savour with the wisdom of (your oh, so, youthful) age ;-)
looking forward to the reports!
Dear mister Diependaele, no.
My dear old schoolfriend, no.
My dear old brother in arms, no...
Found it!
Hello you old wanker,
I was very happy to hear from you this afternoon. I can hardly believe we don't write or phone each-other more often. Well, that's life huh: work, kiddies and stuff.
So you're off to Morocco? Why not pay us a visit in Gent, lot's of them overhere ;-) Just joking.
I hope you have a nice trip and enjoy the sights, flavours, sounds and hospitality of that country.
Be sure to relax a bit, you know what our plans are when you return ("Junge, komm bald wieder", Freddy Quinn).Not to be translated as "Kiddy, come back bald", although THAT shouldn't be a problem.
Have a safe trip and we hope to hear or read from you soon.
I'll put your Blog in My Favorits.
Greetz from Emmanuel in Heusden-South
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