Sunday, August 26, 2007

... mechelen is having a party ...

just at my door :-) .... Yesterd today is Maanrock, a yearly free festival with mainly belgian artists> Most of them will not ring a bell, but i do encourage you to check out groups lik Magnus, Daan, Vibe la fete, Tom Helsen en Sioen. They are really really good and for once my son and i agreed on the subject .. although at 00:30 he thought the party had lastet long enough for him and he forced me to retreat to our home that is basically in the middle of the action :-) (festival food the whole week-end , i feel i need a detox next week)

it felt good to have the mind set to ,music this week-end without the ability to think about anything else ... although there is loads to think about . For instance: i entered my last year before i'm turining 40 :-). i passed my 39th birthday last wednesday very silently . In a way i always felt i would have a problem turning 40, butnow it is getting closer i really start minding less and less and less ....

other things on my mind are the burning desire and feeling to get my hands dirty and really take the chances of jumping in the restaurant busines from the deep end .. add to this the book of Che Guevara : The Motorcycle Diaries and some opportunities to get me back into the wacko exciting creative world ... what can i tell you: my brain is in overdrive ...

it is keeping my thoughts very lively on al fronts ... because why do we not follow our dreams ?

happy travels

1 comment:

Piet said...

Hi Toon,
turning 40 isn't the problem, the day you become 41, you start to realize you're over the hill... And trust me, that's scary