Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Haere ra, tot ziens, ciao bella

Hey Toon.
You were my introduction to the non-PC world of European clients. And way back then, it was a hell of an introduction.
I am so happy to have had the opportunity to work with you the last 3 years, to see you grow into your role and have you help me grow into mine ;-)
As a client you have been inspirational – your extensive knowledge and passion for your work, your ability to flip from the big picture to the detail, and your constant pushing for the best result – have pushed me and my colleagues to be on the ball and to strive for the best constantly.
As a friend I have really enjoyed getting to know you – late night whiskeys and philosophical chats about life – I hope these will continue!
E iti noa ana, na te aroha.
Ka kite ano

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahakoa iti, he pounamu