I guess we can safely say that this time and age we have never been communication so much. There are abundant ways of getting touch with each other and the information coming our way is so massive that one could wonder what the impact is ...
Well taking the morning tube in London and spending time in a very big landscape office has made me draw one very big conclusion: we communicate but are forgetting to TALK ....
Take the test yourself ? unplug your ears of the ipod, get your nose out of the free morning newspaper, stop typing the SMS's or e-mails on your device and just sit on a a bus or an underground and try to start a conversation with somebody ...
get in to the office and sit down and have a look in the huge landscape to see all heads down, tapping away the office symphony ... not even taking the time to look up when somebody comes in ...
most frightening: a meeting or a conference call starts but not everybody is there yet. In the old days we would just talk a bit to get to know the background, discuss issues and share opinions . Today the GAP filler is the inevitable: put it on Mute or do some e-mail ...
Do not get me wrong, i love the new communication style, it allows me the advantage of like with this blog to saty intouch with all of you in a broader way. every Thrusday evening i'm out there myself reading the blogs of people i know and looking for new ones to enrich my views on the world ... Web 2.0 delivers on my hunger for information provided by people that i stangly enough trust ...
But at the end of the day i want to close the loop outside the virtual world. That is also one of the biggest challenges for us as digital marketers. Are we not too much focussed on the web part only.
Where do we close the loop and stay authentic with the people ... we know perfectly how to treat the people only, but how will we react when we are eye to eye with our customer - friend - family - acquintances ....
A challenge that i would like to take on that challenge to convince companies to make that step to go full circle. And that is full circle in more than just making sure they all use the same image, but that the experience is full circle ....
my friends therefor: MIND THE GAP but the positive and negative of this new communication style ....
1 comment:
Could this be the reason you are 'forgetting' your old friends and buddies?
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