Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cannes .. the looser is ....

the great pretender ....

I love the Dove commercial for one thing: it highlights that authenticity is on the rise. But how can a brand be authentic to its users. Dove achieved that people in general start to think more in a way close to reality. It is giving people a meaningful alternative for the projected and distorted image portraited by media and marketing.

Authenticity & meaning .... two key words for tomorrows reality in marketing. Brands will have to start to accept that being perfect is more a negative than a positive. Web 2.0 is in someway a sign of people looking to work around the unidirectional messaging from them to us to an environment where you could share your view with people who you feel are putting meaning to your life or where the simple act of sharing put meaning to your life ...

So far 2.0 has been hijacked to transform itself to a narrowcasting machine of google ad words. Did you know that Google is storing your and mine data on their databases till 2019 :-) .... we are still accepting it and marketeers are still drooling over it, but what is the actual value to the users and how long will we accept this ..

for now i do not worrie about it, but it makes me think on how to be indeed authentic and meaningfull in the next wave of marketing ....

Happy travels


PS my son had his final results today from school: he's an A

1 comment:

brenda said...

Yay Riens! well done :)